There probably aren’t many times in your life when you will go shopping for area rugs, just like you aren’t going to go shopping for couches every weekend, so it can be tricky to know what to look for in a rug store. These five facts about will help you navigate the options available to you without spending too much time searching, and knowing these will help you avoid overpaying!
- Rug stores that have “sales” aren’t usually giving you a deal. But how can that be if they’re having a sale? Chances are that no matter what time of year you drive by that rug store, they have a “sale” sign up. And if something is always listed “on sale,” that means it’s always the same price, not actually lower than normal. Our store in Scottsdale never has a sale on rugs for this very reason — we offer you the best price all year round and there are still handmade rug options for almost any budget.
- You don’t have to choose the rugs that are in the store if they don’t suit your style. Custom rugs are available from Alyshaan, so you can come with your own unique design or you can make alterations to one that you like, whether you just need a rug in a different size or color. Some of our Scottsdale customers have created absolutely beautiful designs for their rugs!
- Origin, material type and knot count should all be listed or easily accessible for each rug you are considering. For example, if you’re looking for oriental rugs to accent your home in Arizona, the store employees should be able to direct you straight to the type of rugs you’re looking for. If they aren’t sure what the details are or won’t be clear with you about them, you should take your business elsewhere. Either they don’t know what they’re selling or they’re trying to sell you something you don’t want.
- Some rug stores directly import their inventory, while others are reselling rugs from other businesses. Our staff hand selected all of the 3,200 plus rugs in our inventory to import because we care about the quality and craftsmanship of the fine rugs we carry. That also allows us to sell those rugs to you at a lower price, since we don’t have to pay a middleman.
- Location isn’t as important as you think — rug stores can ship the rug you want to anywhere in the world!