Check Out All the Custom Rug Options You Have to Choose From

Check Out All the Custom Rug Options You Have to Choose From

Check Out All the Custom Rug Options You Have to Choose From

You are in search of the perfect area rug for your new home’s great room. You know what you want, but you have not found anything that catches your attention. You have looked at so many places in town, online and in designer catalogs, that you are overwhelmed. Alyshaan Fine Rugs is where you can get exactly what you want, with their thoughtful, simple, quality and distinct custom rug program. 

Benefits of custom rug designed with Alyshaan Fine Rugs

  • You are the designer or you may adapt a pre-programmed design
  • You control colors, size, pile height, carving and materials
  • You can download the digital design software and enjoy trying different looks
  • The custom design rugs at Alyshaan Rugs cost no more than the rugs in stock
  • The rug is made under the auspices of Alyshaan design staff, who keep you informed through the entire process

Here are examples from the Alyshaan Custom Rug Program.

Southwestern Design

The original of this rug was one the customer liked because it had the soft blues, terracotta and sand colors of the southwestern landscape. The stripe and geometric design pattern also appealed to their style. After the digital rendering, the rug was made to order on looms by our direct personnel. We do not send our designs out for contract rug makers. In fact, you may want to adapt this particular design to your wishes.

Reverse the Colors

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The original rug model had reverse colors. That is, the center background was deep magenta and the design was beige. The border was the opposite. The fantastic graphic designers on staff at Alyshaan Rugs were able to recreate this masterpiece to fit exactly what the customer wanted. The completed design is placed in the dining area. You can choose an existing design to adapt, with the help of Alyshaan graphic designers. There is no additional charge for these services.

Variation on an Oriental Rug Theme

The client’s friend had an imported oriental rug with more ornate design in the center. She wanted to emulate the friend’s design, but make it simpler. With the aid of several photos at different angles, the graphic designers at Alyshaan worked with the client to get exactly the same thickness, color detail and border design as the original. The client now has an original of her own. 

The possibilities are practically endless when you design a custom rug. You can expect step-by-step progress reports and photographs from the Alyshaan staff. You will not be charged a premium for the personal service. Ultimately, you will have an original work of art that you designed specifically for your custom space. Since the custom program by Alyshaan Rugs does not require you to be in Arizona, you will be able to create your masterpiece with the help of technology, photos and conversations with the design group. You will even receive a 1.5-foot sample before they begin making the rug. Think about how much fun is in the anticipation of the completed product, with your sample displayed were you can appreciate our creative talent!

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