Walking across fine silk rugs is a luxurious experience when done barefoot — like walking on water might feel, the smooth, cool texture is kind to the bottoms of your feet. Fine, silk area rugs are often the most beautiful rugs as well, with intricate patterns depicted in excellent detail.
Origins of Silk
But where does silk come from and why is it used to make so many luxury products, from scarves to fine area rugs?
Silk used in textiles is harvested from an insect called the mulberry silkworm. The larvae of this species creates silk to form a cocoon, and these bugs are raised in captivity to capture this byproduct, the process of which is known as sericulture. Other insects create silk but either do not create silk that is as usable as the silkworm or they are not as easy to raise in captivity — spiders, for example, would likely attack each other if grouped together in a farm-like setting.
This material was first cultivated and used to create fabrics in China thousands of years ago, later spreading first to India and eventually to the rest of the world.
Characteristics of Fine Rugs Made From Silk
Fine area rugs made from silk provide the highest knot count available. Due to the fine nature of the material, the knot count can be up to 1,200 knots per inch, which provides the rug artisan the ability to create a highly detailed design. Silk is fairly delicate, so it is not ideal for area rugs that will receive a lot of walking traffic. Instead, fine silk rugs can be hung or used to accent areas of your home that people don’t walk over frequently.
A New Option for Area Rugs: Bamboo Silk
If you are perusing the world of rugs available to you in the Phoenix area, you should also be aware of this new rug material that Alyshaan Fine Rugs recently started carrying. Bamboo silk has a high durability and a lower cost than natural silk, but has a similar texture. Come see for yourself how it compares to real silk.
Artificial Silks to Be Wary Of
Since the origins of silk require a specific process, location and technique to create, there are substitutes available that may be cheaper but do not offer the same quality. If you are shopping for rugs in Scottsdale, you should know that material listed as either “artificial” or “art” silk is not actually real silk. These artificial silks do not offer the longevity, value and high quality of real silk.