How Sari Silk Rugs Assist Women in India and Nepal

How Sari Silk Rugs Assist Women in India and Nepal

How Sari Silk Rugs Assist Women in India and Nepal

The famous Silk Route has reached Arizona. Ever since 200 BC, silk has been one of the most important fabrics and has travelled through the world. Rare recycled silk yarns, provided by leftovers from previous saree or sari dresses, are handspun by women and later become a marvelous rug art work. Today, you may acquire sari silk rugs at Alyshaan Fine Rugs in Scottsdale and Sedona.

Sari silk rugs tend to match every home style, from vintage house looks to a more modern vogue; the beautiful diversity of patterns and textures make each rug unique. The sense of harmony and warmth are what make sari silk rugs a “must have” luxury for perfect home decoration. Just as any painting can tell the state of mind of its painter, every rug may tell a different story of its weaver. Women on the other side of the world place love and care with each of the area rugs you see at Alyshaan Fine Rugs.

Buying these textiles including sari silk rugs has proven to empower Indian and Nepalize women. Many households depend on these hard working women. Indian studies, from 2009, show that 55% of its exports are given by the textile industry; meaning, women in India are providing not only for their families, but for their country as well. History shows that Silk Rugs have traveled the world back and forth, and have always kept their value in home decoration; likewise, it is used in many homes throughout the world. Perhaps it is time to ask yourself whether a Sari Silk Rug should furnish your home. The Silk Road has reached Scottsdale and Sedona. This amazing silk art work you can walk on combine beauty, luxury and practicality. Sari silk rugs are unique in their style and are offered at accessible prices.


Written byAlexander Scheller

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