4 Easy Ways to Take Care of Your Handmade Rug

4 Easy Ways to Take Care of Your Handmade Rug

4 Easy Ways to Take Care of Your Handmade Rug

Taking care of your fine area rugs does not have to be a challenge when you are armed with the right know-how! Here we share four ways to take care of your handmade rug.

1. ROTATION: Rotate your rug so it wears and fades evenly. You will literally double the life of your rug by doing this about once every 6 to 12 months.

2. VACUUMING IS GREAT, BUT WAIT!: You can vacuum your rug just as often as you vacuum the rest of your house. Up keeping your rug with a vacuum means you won’t have to get it professionally cleaned as often and it will definitely look nicer and last longer. Now, here comes the ‘but’ – Never use the beater bar of a vacuum when vacuuming your fine rug. Depending on the type of vacuum you own, you can use a higher setting, use the attachment or central vac, or turn off the beater bar. Whatever creates suction and avoids the scarping effect of a motorized beater bar. See…that wasn’t too bad.

3.SPILLS: Avoid spills but when they do happen, blot them out using a paper towel right away, then spray water on the area of the spill and blot again, (sometimes club soda works), repeat as necessary. Spray white vinegar for pet urine as it helps break the enzymes that cause the bad odor.

4. CLEAN WHEN NEEDED: Get your area rug cleaned when needed. Otherwise, the dirt starts to grind and that really hurt the materials. The average time to get your rug cleaned is about 5 years, but you should let your eyes be the judge. When your rugs look like they need cleaning –trust your instincts- get them cleaned. Never dry clean or steam clean your handmade rugs. They should be washed. Wall to wall carpet cleaning companies are usually not a good option. Always use someone who specializes in the cleaning of fine, handmade rugs.

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