A Designer’s Perfect Match

A Designer’s Perfect Match

A Designer’s Perfect Match

Some sentimentalists say, “The best way to find your perfect match is to meet love halfway.” Interior designers are, in a way, matchmakers themselves. They give their clients’ knowledge, experience, and expertise and then meet their clients’ visions, tastes and design needs in the middle to create something beautiful. We have enjoyed working with many talented designers over the years and have established a pattern of repeat business and a continuous working relationship with many of them.

Some of our designers have worked with us for a decade or more. Karen Ippolito, an interior designer in Scottsdale, Arizona has worked with Alyshaan for the past 10-years and she says, “The custom rugs at Alyshaanare one of the most amazing products. They offer beautifully-made custom rugs at prices that are half of the other vendors in the country… When my clients are happy I am happy.” Like Karen, we want our clients and designers to be happy and content with our services as well. That is why we customize our services and prices to make them more attractive to designers.

We keep all of our designers’ information: their business license, email and phone number, etc. all carefully organized in our database. This allows us to quickly and easily access all of their pertinent information and also all their requests, including current and past clients. One example of a specialized designer service is our “virtual rug viewing.” This service allows the designer to grant their client a rug viewing even if they are out of the country. Our designers can provide their clients with photos of the rugs they have chosen together and place them virtually into their home. This can be very useful for large projects.

Suzanne Daley, Alyshaan’s marketing manager, also adds, “If they prefer for us to be educators with their client about rugs then we will be educators; if they prefer that they do the communicating with their client, we will remain in the background and provide only the services that they request. Either way, we wish to serve in the best way possible.”/

Alyshaan also hosts special events throughout the year that are just for designers. We recognize that our designers are a huge asset to our growth and continued success. We plan on persisting to learn more about our designers’ desires to increase the success of our internal relationships and also to offer all the support that we can in their ongoing relationships with their clients. If we had to pick one reason why a designer should choose to work with us it would be our service. Alyshaan has reliable and passionate services and we know how to tailor it for designers; some might even say that Alyshaan and designers were a match made in heaven.

By Stephanie Drescher

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