Many consumers who are in the market for a rug can search and search and eventually settle for something that works. When you are investing in such a long lasting and permanent piece as a high-end rug, settling shouldn’t be an option. You should be able to find a perfect match for your design and space.
We strive to create our blog to educate our consumers and not just meaninglessly plug ourselves. Because, through our experience, we have discovered that the more educated a consumer, the more content a consumer eventually is in their final purchase. But there just isn’t another company that offers the custom rug program that Alyshaan does. It is unmatched.
So even though boasting is not our style, we do want you to know about all of your options. So with that disclaimer we are proud and excited to tell you about the originality and uniqueness of our recently re-launched custom rug program.
Let us walk you through the steps as to precisely how Alyshaan’s Custom Rug Program works:
1. First you have to pick your colors, and your choices are endless. You can pull colors from a masterpiece you have acquired or a favorite piece of furniture that is difficult to match. If the rainbow can make the color, we can as well.
2. Create your own design. Alyshaan does have designs and patterns pre-created that you can choose from if creating your own design seems too daunting and you are more just concerned with the color. But in working with our in-house graphic designers, creating a pattern that fits perfectly in to your style is simply easy and exciting.
3. Pick your material. Whether it is silk, wool, cotton or a combination, the material affects the color, texture and feel of your rug. The expert designers and sales associates working at Alyshaan do not simply sell our rugs; they have a passion and a deep respect for the rugs’ beauty. Our staff is well equipped to assist you in choosing the correct material for your rug.
4. Up until this point, the designing of the rug has been a completely virtual process. So what is this rug on your computer screen actually going to look like in your home? Well, we wondered that too. So we incorporated software that can take your freshly-designed rug and a picture of your room and insert the rug into the photograph of your room, giving you a good idea of what the rug will look like in your space.
5. The design is grafted. You have it all planned and laid out so now your design is grafted and ready to be sent to the loom! Also, while the design is being grafted, is the time to talk about any additional textures or carvings that you want added to the rug if you want your design to have a 3-D element.
6. A work order is then created and thread by thread your virtual design becomes a tangible piece of art. Photos of the rugs process at 30% completion and progressively are emailed to you so that you can see the progress and process of your rug’s creation.
7. Your phone rings and you come to Alyshaan to meet your rug in person. Your design, your material choice, your colors… a rug that is as unique and personal as your home and your lifestyle.
To recap, there are many benefits in choosing a custom rug. You can create the precise: color, design, texture and size that you desire. It gives you the option of matching patterns that already exist in your home and the option of creating duplicates to adorn additional rooms. Alyshaan makes it easy for you to design precisely what you desire and the process is fun and exciting. Don’t settle when perfection is so accessible. If you are interested in learning more, download our software program today at and start playing around with design and color and reach out to the experts at Alyshaan for additional information.
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